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DPG files: Alphabetically by contributor | Alphabetically by title of graph

"Cuborbitals" by C. P. Price.
"Sphinx" by C. P. Price. Very high resolution, may take a minute to generate.
"Toy" by C. P. Price. Very high resolution, may take a minute to generate.
"Tank" by Anna Leśniak.
Water Wave
"Water Wave" (movie) by Yehia Muhsen.
Swimming Sphere Worm
"Swimming Sphere Worm" (movie) by Brandon Enright.
"Shattered" by C. P. Price. Very high resolution, may take a minute to generate.
"Spikes09" by C. P. Price. Very high resolution, may take a minute to generate.
"Spikes14" by C. P. Price. Very high resolution, may take a minute to generate.
"Splash03" by C. P. Price. Very high resolution, may take a minute to generate.
Ellipsoid Stretch
"Ellipsoid Stretch" (movie) by Joe Seale. Click on Edit inside DPGraph for more info.
"Twistered" by C. P. Price. Very high resolution, may take a minute to generate.
2D Cross Section of a 5-Brane
"2D Cross Section of a 5-Brane" (movie) by Bob Rutkiewicz. From Physics String Theory/M-Theory, a 5-brane equation that has the same number of holes as the full 10-brane. Use DPGraph's Scrollbar to vary A or B.
Ellipsoid Smush
"Ellipsoid Smush" (movie) by Joe Seale. Use DPGraph's Scrollbar to vary A. Click on Edit inside DPGraph for more info.
Ellipsoid Pulsate
"Ellipsoid Pulsate" (movie) by Joe Seale. There is also a hi-res version. Click on Edit inside DPGraph for more info.
Six Spheres Smush
"Six Spheres Smush" (movie) by Joe Seale. Use DPGraph's Scrollbar to vary A, B, or D. Click on Edit inside DPGraph for more info.
Sphere With Axes
"Sphere With Axes" by Yehia Muhsen. Click on Edit inside DPGraph to see how to draw axes as zero diameter tubes.
Paul Trap
"Paul Trap" (movie) by Thomas Leisner. The droplet in the center is oscillating. Use DPGraph's Scrollbar to vary A or B.
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